DNA/RNA Dynamics by Field-Cycling NMR

issue No. 5

Ribonucleic Acid (RNA) is a molecule that makes make critical functions in biological systems. Especially now during COVID-19 pandemics, RNA virus related investigations are urgent and important topics. Therefore, the studies of how RNAs function in virus transportation between cells and its collaborated proteins now become the highlight of current biological chemistry studies. NMR has a great insight into understanding conformations and dynamics. NMR COVID-19 project organizes all related NMR studies of COVID-19 RNA and protein and provides a global transparent platform for researchers.

       Despite RNA structures, dynamics and molecular interactions are also crucial but rarely studied compared with structural investigations. NMR is a practical tool for investigation motions by probing its 31P, 13C, and 15N. An early example of nuclear dynamics by field-cycling NMR is the dynamics of DNA octamers probed by field-dependent longitudinal relaxation curves, which are probed by 31P. Since field-dependent relaxation study can probe molecular motions from microsecond to picosecond timescales, it can also become a practical manner of RNA dynamics investigation. Combining other NMR methods, such as EXSY, one can even discover many RNA excited states and attempts to investigate correlated functions for having a more complete understanding of RNA functions.

       Here, we listed a review of RNA dynamics by NMR spectroscopy and an example of DNA dynamics studied by field-cycling NMR in this issue. This example of field-cycling NMR had conducted a pneumatical driving system to reach the aim of field-cycling during measurement. Nowadays, field-cycling manner has a more precise control on the sample shuttling. Increasing the precision and resolution of field-cycling studies benefits studying more complicated systems, such as RNA. Detailed information can be seen here .

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